Jon just purchased a new Dell PDA on Ebay (of course) and while talking to the guy from the company “globalconsumerdirect” about the house and how hard of a time we are having selling it, he asked if we knew about Saint Joseph the Home Seller. He told us that he had very good luck with it and so did is sister, So we looked it up and found that its been used for a long long time to help sell homes and to help others that need your house find it. Well we need as much help as we can right now. Jon did all the things that the booklet said to and now we have a statue planted in our front yard! That was Thursday, on Friday our realtor called to mention that one of the lookers had put their house up on the market in hopes that ours will still be on when it sells and on Saturday morning another person that had looked at it back in the winter who had transferred from a job in another state and is renting right now would like to discuss the house with us. All I can say is wow that works very well…… Jon called his mother to tell her and she said that’s how she sold granny’s house a few years back. Think what you want but something is happening.
For anyone interested in the house we will throw in the Electrical contracting business with the purchase... Very profitable
I know 2 people that did this and yes, it really works!! ph
Thanks for that note.AL
Hello Jon and Arline ...glad to see the statue helped out. All the best to you and yours!
Patty, Rob's comment never made it to the blog!Could you get him to resent it. Thanks Arline
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